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uphill both ways

June 2, 2008

If you could buy only one bike this summer and the price was no object?Would you rather have a Sisyphusean downhill bike or an Icarusean uphill time trial bike??

I’d say they’re both neat. I have respect for their very specialized abilities. But I choose neither, I’ll take the cash instead. I’ll take a bike that I can ride up the hill and then turn right around and ride back down with out fear of its carbon fiber components disintegrating if I actually apply the brakes. I’ll take a bike I can bomb down the hill on, then turn around and ride back to the top with out having to get off and walk pushing 46 pounds of full-suspension invention.

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Steve Younger said...

I've always said that those brake thingies are overrated, and carbons hard to have more than one significant stack up on, so I'll just stick to the steel bike with no calipers and/or the metro.

Posted June 2, 2008 10:01 AM | Reply to this comment

Chris Mandell said...

Everything bike is wonderful. I've pushed every bike I own up hills... sometimes the next time I am at that hill I get up it... some times I have to push it again. Riding up is part of the glory of the bike (but has nothing to do with the bike only the rider) a bike w/o a brake is a specialized bike for sure

Posted June 2, 2008 03:03 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

Let Bronco borrow your bike after a few beers, toss it into 4th Avenue, pick it up before it gets run over, then turn around and toss it across 4th Ave again. If he can pick it up again knock the saddle relatively straight, hop on and ride away...you've got yourself a solid ride.

Posted June 2, 2008 07:33 PM | Reply to this comment

Chris Mandell said...

haha, they'd hold up... it'd be a trick on the Knocker thought, saddle rails are bent to fuckall now, be damn hard to tell what 'relatively strait' was before the first punt.

Posted June 3, 2008 09:58 AM | Reply to this comment

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