what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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May 31, 2008

Friday, 2:45pm and the bike feels like part of my body. 37 hours under my belt, 3 more to go. Pulling moves I wouldn’t even consider on a Monday at 8:45am. Smooth like new cables and housing. The sun is out. And I’m in. Comfortable. Confident. Cocky. At ease. I’ve got the home court advantage. I own these streets, all you drivers are just borrowing them. Coasting. Carving lines. Rolling. Moving things along. White lines. Handiramps. Taxis. Tourists. Busses. Redlights. Receptionists. Elevators. Security guards. Dispatchers. Co-workers. All the issues remedied with a twitch of the hips. Every little ting, gonna be alright.

perception is reality

it is what it is

you think


gas prices? what gas prices? 

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steve said...

what in the sam hell you doin' at two-one-oh-seven? I thought only buckys ventured inta those parts.

Posted May 31, 2008 03:54 PM | Reply to this comment

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