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left right left

May 28, 2008

2025 1st first
720 Olive next
701 Pile third
3rd Avenue bus pass
Pass asshole bus driver repeat
Two Union? That’s near 2nd & Union…right?
Right, no left. Left right?
Northwest corner of the southeast intersection
It’s the tall building yeah
The one with all the windows
On the odd side of the street
The other way…keep going
You’re almost there
Look for a white guy
About 5’10” brown hair

What do you say to a woman with no arms and no legs?



Why? because we like you
Because I can  I could  I did  I would
It’s personal. No explanation
Because I can’t  I won’t  I didn’t  I don’t
It’s time to pay the piper
In the world of full retail price
You win some. You win some more
You lose some. It rains   It pours

Your body is a temple
My body is a bodega

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Milkshake said...

Nice Tits

Posted May 31, 2008 09:20 PM | Reply to this comment

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