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tater tots

May 27, 2008

Good evening folks,
               grab a seat anywhere you’d like

It’s happy hour. Happy Hours
It aint over. It’s only just begun
There’s a shift change coming
Would you like a urinal mint?
No, I prefer urinal screens
Take your eyes off that screen
Look at what you’re missing
Real life real people real disappointment
Walking away. Cashing out. Throwing in
their cards for more tomatoes on a sandwich
What percentage of the population
Never ate tater tots growing up
Moving on       ask another question
Not because you’re interested in my answer
Because you want to talk about yourself
Take a shot. Call it off the glass
Rebound Ricochet Regurgitate  
Suck it up  or  talk it up
Play it off then walk it off
Rub some dirt on it
Eliminate the middle man
break the zone full court press
Watch the pros     Ditch the cons
Jettison the horseshit
Travel light   no bag
Your shoulder never will get
Back to normal

Back to work

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