And you may find yourself
Behind the wheel of a large automobile
And If you were born
After today’s date in
I will not
Sell alcohol to you
But if you were born
After today’s date in
You may not
know this song
And If you graduated
From high school in
You should know better by now
And you may ask yourself
Am I right?…Am I wrong?
I won’t sell you alcohol
But I’ll give you a beer
Since 1997...
I’ve been blurring the line between
Fact and fiction
fantasy and reality
Growing up and staying young
Then and now
Too much and not enough
Pedestrian and vehicle
One Union and Two Union
Howe Street and Howell Street
12th Ave and 12th Ave East
Full-on and Half-ass
Kevin’s Mom and the babysitter
Legally drunk and buzzed
Landscape and portrait
Burn out and fade away
Rise up and Get down
Washed up and scrubbed down
Moving on and staying put
Progression and regression
Déjà vu and same shit different day
Wouldn’t want your job and wouldn’t want my job
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