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the Morgantini Case Party

May 18, 2008

Weekend road trip to an alpine oasis. Up the road to Bellingham take a right on 542 to Glacier. A change of scenery, a change of elevation, a change in the weather. Hold on to your Nooksack, wouldn’t want to Chuckanut. Everybody’s working for the weekend.

I took zero pictures. My camera was in my pocket for about 10 minutes then I put it back in my bag. But there were many photos taken by a professional photographer and thousands taken by civilians like me. If there was a way I could link you to a streaming video compilation of the weekend, an audio slideshow featuring the highlights of the photographs with comments from friends and family. I would. Yes, I would, if I could, I surely would.

Not there to observe as much as to participate, even if I am a natural born observer that occasionally steps over the line into participation. I spent hours staring into the woods, slack jawed, listening to the birds and squirrels, beer in hand. And several more hours sitting in a lawn chair in the corner on the back porch, staring at people, slack jawed sangria in hand. I was happy to be there. And because I drank enough on Friday to get a family of four drunk for a month, I spent much of Saturday drinking water.

Snowline is a cell phone free zone, not because it’s one of their regulations, but because of the geography on the way to Mt. Baker. And that makes me smile. It’s not “I’m getting on a elevator, I’ll call you right back.” It‘s, “I’m going to Matt & Clair’s wedding I’ll call you back in two days”

And it was good. Very very good.

Family, friends, decks of cards, tether ball, tennis, ping pong, air hockey, black bears, bacon, bagels burning, trail mix, macaroni and cheese, hot tubs, ice cold vodka, ice cold raging Nooksack river, kegs of beer, beer in cans, beer in bottles, beer in pint glasses, beer in 18 packs, dark chocolate, ice water all around, rocking chairs, skipping stones, dogs off-leash, kids being kids, red wine, white wine, cheese, 10:00pm established quiet time, inside voices, an active label maker, lots o labels… a great ceremony outside on the warmest weekend we’ve had for many months. A short sweet real wedding ceremony. No bullshit. It got me all verklempt…

Antipasto, a taste of the east coast nestled in the foothills of the north cascades, Milano's, salmon with a fennel cream sauce or a raspberry fumé, ravioli, and wedding cake like you’ve never seen. Check out by 11, keys in by noon, gratuities appreciated, Amber.

Thank you

Congratulations to the Case Morgantini people

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Megan said...

It was nice, real nice to observe with you. Always interesting and a pleasure to see you, thanks for sharing that with me, it was a super rad wedding and time had by all.

Posted May 19, 2008 06:38 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Megan...

right on. It's Wednesday eve in Seattle and I'm still in a daze of snowline glacier milano's north fork nooksack goodness.

Posted May 20, 2008 10:44 PM | Reply to this comment

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