elevator messenger
May 12, 2008
Hit me with your Cozen O’Connor Bring on the Perkins Coie Monster Let’s talk about Ryan Swanson Let Keller Rohrback Get down…to get up Karr Tuttle all day long Blankenship bro Davis Davis Davis Wright
 Perhaps the most expensive public works project in the history of the world…pound for pound, inch for inch, man for man, day by day, oh dear lord…these things I say.
The Great Wall of China, the Grand Coulee Dam, The Panama Canal, the Big Dig, The museum of trucking, carving out the grand canyon with an old toothbrush, building all the pyramids in Egypt…all that. Match any one of these up with the sidewalk reconstruction on the 4th Avenue side of the King County courthouse: man power, hours, weight, volume, delays… in relation to dollars spent, and you‘ve got a good show. It was originally scheduled to re-open a couple months ago. The latest date given for opening was today, but today it was not even close. Like I said before…how much milk can a contractor milk, if a contractor must milk milk???
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Jesus Christ
I flipped out today: foster to 705 2nd for a rush 2-U. back to foster, for 810 third, king rush, hand of a giant box of DRIFTWOOD in the alley. hit carney for 810 third, king rush. copy that. 516 3rd, and I pulled a jerry macguire on this homeless dude that stuck his arm out like he was going to clothes line me: "FUCK ALL OF YOU HUMAN TRASH." Now I'm back to normal but I lost my appetite.
Posted May 13, 2008 12:52 PM
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wouldn't want your job on a day like this
Posted May 13, 2008 08:07 PM
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All you kids from out of town take note, it's like this. 52, 40, switch elevators, 34, 32 down to the lobby. Switch elevator banks x(2) Up to 29, 28, 17, switch elevators down to the lobby. It's like that. It's like a beautiful dance in a small cube attached to cables that go up and down.
Posted May 13, 2008 08:10 PM
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Susman Godfrey. 38. I couldn't go to that firm for months, just smile and make eye contact, avoid the customer complaints.
Posted May 14, 2008 10:26 AM
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