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Monday Monday

May 12, 2008

Monday May 12, 1997
My first day as a bike messenger
Purple jersey Elliott Bay Messenger company
Rock Hopper front suspension bar ends
85 and sunny

Monday May 12, 2008
Another day as a bike messenger
Wool sweater Seattle Legal Messenger company
RB-2 flat bar no bullshit
55 and partly cloudy

Monday Monday
Eleven years went under the bridge
Like time was standing still


it's not just May 12

it's Monday May 12

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David said...

Congrats man. Here's to another one.

Posted May 12, 2008 11:57 AM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser said...

I was working at the Elysian inside SHameworks...that much is true. But even then I knew I'd find a much better place, either with or without you. How you like me now??? Cheers. Let's talk about much better places 11 years later...

Posted May 12, 2008 08:35 PM | Reply to this comment

07 pilderwasser said...

http://youtube.com/watch?v=XJfKyHR5-1M no really for real no really

Posted May 12, 2008 08:43 PM | Reply to this comment

87 said...

16 teen year and what do you get an other day older and deeper in dept....... i owe my soul to the company store.

Posted May 14, 2008 09:42 PM | Reply to this comment

87 replied to 07 pilderwasser...

are you fucking kidding that shit is truly funny

Posted May 14, 2008 09:45 PM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

1996 June sometime around the 12th A Kona Hot barends fully rigid because I like saying fully rigid in mixed company. After work beer Alaskan Oatmeal Stout. Now mostly a Surly Cross-Check mustace bars for riding in snow despite the fact they're a tad wide for traffic.Sometime around 4:30 if I'm empty beer Silver Gulch Pillsner I hear you.

Posted May 15, 2008 08:07 PM | Reply to this comment

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