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skid road scott mathauser

May 11, 2008

What matters
What’s important
What’s worth it
What does it all mean
Everything you say will be used against you
Ride up the hill just to ride back down
Scott Mathauser Edmund Fitzgerald
Pickle Bucket Mucas Membrane
Glow-in-the-dark plastic magnetic Virgin Mary
Dark chocolate red wine cast iron skillet
Quiet rides quiet drive trains
Firm hand shakes
Fish needs bicycle
Thanks to Sam and My Nhung Following Sean is the movie of the week and Skid Road is the book of the week
put it all together, add it up, find the connections 

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straightobase said...

did you see Following Sean? It isn't playing at the Varsity (bro) anymore. But who knows, it will probably show up at Seven Gables.

Posted May 12, 2008 07:12 PM | Reply to this comment

07 pidler replied to straightobase...

Yeah. I saw it. It's good. REal good. good enough for me to tell you that it's Good. Copy good? Copy your English teacher in 5th grade telling you not to use GOOD too much? yeah. that's the way it is. It is good. It is what it is, is what it is. One more time is good enough for me.

Posted May 12, 2008 08:27 PM | Reply to this comment

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