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did a little dance

May 5, 2008

Haven't hit a hardball for years. Still haven't.

Did a little dance, drank a little beer.

If the batteries in your camera die after two random photos it makes it easy to choose a couple.

If you’ve had several beers it makes it easier to misjudge a fly ball deep to right field.

If the ball comes to rest in the tall grass deep in right field it makes it hard to find among the clover.

If you haven’t hit a hardball since the Reagan administration, don’t expect to get a hit with the bases loaded and two outs. (see several beers)

If you hit the ball over the fence, across the street, bouncing it off the hood of a large 4 x 4 truck (setting off the alarm) then onto the roof of a building…that’s a homerun.

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