what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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a quality of life issue

May 3, 2008

Jason Britton photo

This guy is wearing a pilderwasser T-shirt.

I'm guessing he got it at thrift store or a homeless shelter. Maybe he got it from a pile of castoffs labeled “free” outside a medium-sized apartment building on Capitol Hill. Maybe he got it from Doug Stock.

I’d like to think he bought it from me on eBay or directly through the website, paying via PayPal.  Or maybe he paid full-retail for it at Counterbalance Bicycles, Wright Bros, or Second Ascent. Or that his daughter gave it to him for Christmas a few years ago after she saw a messenger wearing one like it.

Maybe he gave up his career at Microsoft, his house in Magnolia, his marriage of 27 years…he gave up all of it, got a pot leaf tattooed on his face and decided to walk the streets of Seattle and stretch out his fingers. He needs a bike.

Whatever the story of how he got into that shirt. Whatever his story…yesterday, he was angry and unreasonable and not a very personable spokesman for the pilderwasser cause.

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mary! said...

oh shit. that is the same dude that called travis a "jewish rascal" and told me to "go back to scotland, you bitch" at the rail. yeah, that was a fun interaction.

Posted May 3, 2008 01:14 PM | Reply to this comment

innocent bystander said...

the guy was yelling this: "pepsi and a smile, pepsi and a smile, pepsi and a smile, pepsi and a smile, pepsi and a smile, american nazi,american nazi,american nazi,american nazi,american nazi,american nazi,american nazi, who pops up?"

Posted May 3, 2008 02:23 PM | Reply to this comment

RedKev said...

Did it say, "I wouldn't want your job on a day like this" on the back? That would be ideal.

Posted May 4, 2008 09:54 AM | Reply to this comment

Steve replied to RedKev...

I think it had some reference to a quality of life issue.

Posted May 4, 2008 05:19 PM | Reply to this comment

Bronco Mendenhal said...

I wonder if somewhere along the line this guy got off his coffee,beer,beer,chirper,beer continuum?

Posted May 4, 2008 05:59 PM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser said...

pre American Apparel. and hopefully pre logo on the sleeve.

Posted May 7, 2008 10:51 PM | Reply to this comment

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