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Any Veggie Curry...$3.99

May 2, 2008

Clowns to the left of me

Clowns to the left of you      too

Going back into the archives. Recycling. Finding connections. Putting another pencil line on the kitchen wall growth chart ---May 2008---Learning from past mistakes. Patterns develop. Grooves begin to wear with time turning into ruts. Routes. Rote. Repeat. Habit trails. Comfort zones. Zip Codes. Relationships. Careers.

Traditionally, when May 2 falls on a Friday, beer is consumed. But there’s no need to look to tradition, convention, expectation, calendars or the behavior of the bewildered herd.

What’s that Lassie? Timmy fell in the well and needs help?

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Juice said...

Help, I fell into Kelly's pub. Is it pay day yet?

Posted May 2, 2008 07:45 AM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to Juice...

If payday falls on a Sunday, suck it up, for one more day. Hit the Coinstar machine. Kelly's falls somewhere in the middle of a slippery slope.

Posted May 2, 2008 08:03 AM | Reply to this comment

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