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don't let me down

April 26, 2008

Raise the Montlake Bridge then the Fremont Bridge then the Ballard Bridge delaying 973 motorists to allow one retired dentist from Clyde Hill to pass on his sailboat.

I guess I would want my job on a day like this. When summer finally rolls around it’s easier to forget about six months worth of grey grayness wet socks and damp wet wetness. A sweat-soaked ass crack is worlds away from a rain-soaked ass crack.

Nice day for a bike ride huh?

When your economic stimulus check arrives are you going to save it for a rainy day.? Plan ahead. Be prepared. The boy scout motto is great, to a point. Until it weighs you down, slows you down, holds you back with over thinking over planning over packing. Would you rather die with a big savings account or live it up here and now --within your means -- but here and now. Nonchalant inconspicuous consumption.

Reliving rewinding remembering the past. What was. What could have been. Navigating with a map that's also known as a bank statement. A printout once a month. When where why what how much. Debit this Debit that.

Beers * Bars * Bike shops * Burritos

Groceries * Utilities * Accessories

A lazy Saturday afternoon
By the ship canal
Watching the world go by
Tall boy in hand
5 more in the bag
Strangers  fellow philosophers brothers
Two dudes in need   --out of beers
Friends indeed                      
A Kokanee for you and for your friend too
“you’re the man”    “thank you brother”

My work here is done

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ABQ Bret said...

So, what goes good with sunday morning coffee flavoured with Baileys, Irish wiskey and frangelica? How about an asian man in eyeliner serenading me with a beatles song while I read about someones ass crack. Thats what!

Posted April 27, 2008 08:32 AM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser said...

right on Bret. I'll take a cup of that. Here's to asscracks, eyeliner and Sunday mornings.

Posted April 27, 2008 02:42 PM | Reply to this comment

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