Raise the Montlake Bridge then the Fremont Bridge then the Ballard Bridge delaying 973 motorists to allow one retired dentist from Clyde Hill to pass on his sailboat.
I guess I would want my job on a day like this. When summer finally rolls around it’s easier to forget about six months worth of grey grayness wet socks and damp wet wetness. A sweat-soaked ass crack is worlds away from a rain-soaked ass crack.
Nice day for a bike ride huh?
When your economic stimulus check arrives are you going to save it for a rainy day.? Plan ahead. Be prepared. The boy scout motto is great, to a point. Until it weighs you down, slows you down, holds you back with over thinking over planning over packing. Would you rather die with a big savings account or live it up here and now --within your means -- but here and now. Nonchalant inconspicuous consumption.
Reliving rewinding remembering the past. What was. What could have been. Navigating with a map that's also known as a bank statement. A printout once a month. When where why what how much. Debit this Debit that.
Beers * Bars * Bike shops * Burritos
Groceries * Utilities * Accessories
A lazy Saturday afternoon
By the ship canal
Watching the world go by
Tall boy in hand
5 more in the bag
Strangers fellow philosophers brothers
Two dudes in need --out of beers
Friends indeed
A Kokanee for you and for your friend too
“you’re the man” “thank you brother”
My work here is done
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