what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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fee fi fo fum

April 26, 2008

compare  contrast  connect  conflict
Are you my Bianchi?
Are you my Bucky?
Are you from ABC?
Wait          and see
2-hour  4-hour   nextday    teener
It’s all the same
What matters? What means something?
What makes a difference

I have to take a piss

I like the receptionist
I’m tired     I’m hungry      I’m thirsty
Where do we go    Where do we go now
Correlation          Causation
Corporation        fast food nation
Confirm or deny the allegation
Without sufficient information
Fee    Fi    Fo    Fum
Coffee  beer  continuum
Cheap  Light   Faux    Dumb
Big     Fat            conundrum
           >>>Ziggy will you ever win
Doric    Ionic     Corinthian
Historic    Ironic        Pomeranian


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Steve said...

Are you familiar with the coffee beer chirper beer chiper continuum? It may be worthy of investigation.

Posted April 26, 2008 07:25 PM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to Steve...

copy that. I'm usually on the coffee coffee beer beer BEERbeerBEER beer beer Beer beerbeer beeeeeer cycle.

Posted April 27, 2008 02:39 PM | Reply to this comment

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