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Utility, margin of

April 23, 2008

Utility cycling is popping up more and more in the media and usually mentioned in the same breath as rising gas prices.  Which reminds me of someone. The NY Times told me that for every (1) American that rides her bike to work there are (154) Americans that drive to work alone in their cars.  

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pilderwASSer said...

you, you in the 154 cars sitting in traffic...I'm the guy on the bike with a smile on my face and just hint of my ass crack showing as I'm whitelining between you on my way to work.

Posted April 23, 2008 10:41 PM | Reply to this comment

Ricky Smythe said...

Did you see the flat-bed trailer I scored on the cheap? I'm goddam elated,hauling frames and wheelsets galore!

Posted April 24, 2008 01:08 PM | Reply to this comment

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