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April 19, 2008

Chris Murray photo

RAGBRAI training never ends, it’s a year-round endeavor and even if the temperature dips into the 30s in April, training continues. The café Zum-Zum lunch special consumed in seven minutes is an excellent training exercise. The Stewart Market spicy teriyaki chicken consumed in five minutes--between stupid little rush deliveries from stupid corporate law firms--is also beneficial. Sometimes I like to find a hitching post, post up and down a couple tall boys. Then down a couple more if the air is fresh and the time is right. On cold evenings I ride up the hill and find a warm bar stool and down four pints of IPA. That’s right 4 of the strong stuff, the Indiana. Then ride a bit higher up the hill and have a couple pitchers of Rainier and the Burrito Inferno with chicken and black beans on a spinach tortilla. Finally, I attempt to ride the last few blocks home without stopping in at the Satellite or the Elysian. Put that in your stomach and ride it to the next small Iowa town. A normal man would be in the hospital with abdominal pains, but it’s a night of interval training for RAGBRAI. It’s not about the bike, and it’s not about Lance Armstrong, it’s about getting your stomach to work for you on the bike in various states of fullness, bloated, bulked out, bellied up. The stomach is an amazing thing, that with training will perform even more amazing things.


Check out Jason in Omak and Craig winning the Boat Street Crit

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