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face time

April 18, 2008

In your face. Face first. Face up. Face down. Face plant. Face time. Face the music. Face the facts. Face it. Chicks dig big beards…or not.


A shout out to Milkshake’s Mom’s Sixth Grade class in Arcadia. Word. Words. Word! Looking back on my Spokane straight-laced ex-military sixth grade teacher…if he busted out some free verse written by a bike messenger it would’ve created a ripple in the force, a bump in the space time coffee beer continuum. Remember kids: rules, recipes and regulations are suggestions,  it’s up to you to season to taste and sauté with a plenty of garlic and onions. Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Ask for what you want.

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steve said...

That man has all his teeth!

Posted April 21, 2008 02:18 PM | Reply to this comment

Cindyb said...

It's been a joy to find someone who says it like it is; students have not only enjoyed what you've written, but they've connected on many levels. I'll share some of them with you soon.

Posted April 23, 2008 03:51 PM | Reply to this comment

wiskeylips said...

wait a minute... some chicks don't dig beards?!

Posted April 25, 2008 11:20 AM | Reply to this comment

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