According to the USDA you need to eat, a lot.
At the base of the pyramid is the Beer Group (bread, cereal, rice, pasta). For the average American they recommend 6-12 servings. For the average cyclist I suggest more, much more. Pasta and potato salad sandwiches are shortcuts I enjoy. I also enjoy a beer now and then. If 18-24 servings sounds like too much, don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Like Dan E. Murray said “too much is never enough, it’s always too much.”
Next is the Wine Group (fruits and vegetables) These items take up a big section in grocery stores, a section I often walk through without slowing down. The USDA recommends 4-6 servings a day. If you pour a small glass you can get 6 servings from one wine bottle.
At the next level you’ll find the Deep-Fried Cheese Stick Group (dairy and meat) Heavy government subsidies paid out to farmers as a result of years worth of lobbying by the Dairy Council, the Cattleman’s Beef Board and the National Pork Board among others. This well-funded lobbying makes the USDA suggest way too many servings of this shit. Eat hot wings when you feel like it. Eat pork sausage croissants if your body tells you to. But don’t believe the hype. Beef it’s what’s for dinner. Pork the other white meat. Who’s paying for these great ad campaigns? You are. Got Milk? Hell no I don’t got milk. There’s really no reason for the average American to consume 25 gallons of milk per year. This level brings me down.
Finally the pinnacle, the Hard Liquor Group. They suggest “use sparingly”. I suggest use your best judgment, lather rinse repeat, repeat as needed. Tequila falls just outside this category and has its own rules.
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