If you need a gift for a special someone who rides a bike all-year-round, a Peet Shoe Dryer is an amazing, elegantly simple and useful item. It’s one of the best Christmas gifts I’ve ever gotten and it just keeps on giving well into Spring time here in Seattle.
How many ways are there to ask a messenger “is it raining?”
Let me count the ways…
In my book there will be chapter or two about elevators. Reading body language and subtle clues I can tell if you work in the building, I know where you work and I can get within two degrees your occupation, attorney, real estate, investment banker, architect, mid-level government drone. I can tell if you’re visiting, if it’s your first time or you’re a repeat visitor, if a family member works in the building, if you’re getting divorced, if you’re just going to the dentist, if you’re lost, or if you’re hanging sheetrock on 42. I can tell if you’re from a small town, don’t get out much and don’t like the city. I can tell if you’re a smoker. I can tell if you’re having a bad day. I know what you’re eating for lunch. I gather from your phone conversations what’s for dinner tonight, who you’re sleeping with and who in your office is hard to get along with. As a participant-observer-messenger I white-line between participant and observer. Going into full-on observer mode when you least expect it because you see a bike messenger on an elevator but I see you Mr. Styrofoam Clamshell lunch eating cell phone talking soy mocha drinking 1.3 packs per day smoking elevator guy.
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