Happy Birthday to Trenton.
Another day older and deeper in debt.
---from my cheap studio apartment looking down on a small two bedroom house, a small $775,000.00 house that’s literally 40 feet away from me. Drinking my coffee, feeding my cats, wearing my shoes, breathing my air, asking myself how can that fucking house be worth that much? If I was eight hundred grand in-the-hole, how would I feel about living 40 feet from a janky apartment building with people looking down on me laughing at my folly? When will my apartment building go condo? Or when will it get torn down to make room for multi-unit luxury residential condos with off-street parking and street-level retail? When will I move to Everett, get a job in Redmond, buy a car and spend four hours of my day commuting to work? When will I wait 3 minutes at the office for an elevator to take me down to the parking garage so I can drive to the gym and ride the stairmaster for 3 minutes?
When? Where? Why?
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