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big hitter, the Lama

April 10, 2008

Running on three cylinders, and it’s a V-8. A hazy shade of Thursday. Cheap gas and lots of city miles and I’ve got 5 fuel injectors clogged. I feel the pedal go down but I don’t feel the acceleration. Maybe I need to get some sleep and a real meal.

Or maybe not

I enter your sphere
sitting at the bar    day’s end
you pour   me smiles       beer

Time passes quickly
Gratuities well earned
One more time around

Money in my bank account
Debit this       debit that

Eat drink be merry
They say       can’t take it with you
One more time around

Schooner might do it
Quitting after    one more       last
One more time around

what's that Lama?

Oh yeah don’t worry, we’ve got the Seattle Police out in force and the State Patrol is helping out too. They’re cleaning up the streets for you, at least along the route of the motorcade. We’re busting random bike messengers for nothing, we’re hauling away homeless people, we’re picking up trash, we’re kicking ass for you out there Lama.

Do you think I could ride shotgun in the pope-mobile on the way back to the hotel?

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Case said...

He said, Gunga galunga. Gunga lagunga.

Posted April 11, 2008 04:52 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Case...

then he said, hey G-dub you suck

Posted April 11, 2008 06:27 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

on the way to LQA this afternoon on 4th Avenue traffic free all green lights wide open road then I realized I was on the Lama's motorcade route then I realized the motorcycle cops at every intersection were yelling at me to "stay on the sidewalk". Goonga Goonga Galoonga Horseshit.

Posted April 11, 2008 08:09 PM | Reply to this comment

Case said...

But on your deathbed, you'll receive total consciousness. So you've got that going for you.

Posted April 12, 2008 10:31 AM | Reply to this comment

BuddhaDave said...

I bet the D-Lam would love to have homeless people and random peeps harassed on his account. I saw him once in Arizona, he's magic.

Posted April 14, 2008 12:09 PM | Reply to this comment

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