Standing by on Slow Monday. A very slow Monday in fact. Did so few jobs that by the end of the day it was really annoying to even hear the dispatcher at all. Lots of time on my hands but a long way from “free time”. Strapped into a messenger bag with a Nextel wired to my mouth. I’m conditioned to salivate when it chirps. But cotton mouth sets in, especially when I get paid by the hour. I couldn’t write complete sentences, so I wrote random thoughts. The meaning, the connections, the transitions, the flow is up to you. Word. Words.
Ride slower
Makes the day go faster
Mr day-glo pants
Mr purple deep V
Hipster fix-o-rama drama
An old country family
recipe for disaster
Schooner - Pint - Pitcher
12 oz - Tallboy - Roadmaster
Six-pack rings on my fingers
SPD bells on my toes
Guacamole near my 3rd lumbar
Another---one more---on par
Burrito Inferno a la Bimbo
Unsolved mystery solved
It’s like butter
on a roll a run a hot streak
Good luck with that honeybear
Soak in warm water
Take a bath… take it to another level
mist fog drizzle sprinkle downpour
partly cloudy with a chance of rain
Rain turning to showers
High near 50
Never-ending five-day forecast
recycled for 6 months…and counting
Getting old = older = oldest
Looking for a change in the weather
Keep your John Fogerty
Your shit is weak
Watered down overcooked soft moderate played out
Middle of the road vanilla milquetoast mild
1301 elevator Muzak weak
Standing by standing Up
Upgrade Uptown Up yours sit down
Downsize downshift down comforter
Every good boy does fine
White noise Wild boys
Black Gold Turquoise
Duran Duran…Barbarella
Tourist totes umbrella
Keep it in the family
Keep it in-house
Stumbled upon a new job
In through the outsource
On the way to the outhouse
stepped on a slug
Go with your gut
Feeling Minnesota
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