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green, it aint easy being

April 6, 2008

Foster will soon rock the green unitard sans jersey.

Buying my favorite beer at one of my favorite mom & pops. Grandma, the older lady in what appears to be three generations of proprietors, smiles, waves, points at the six pack in my hand and laughs. Then, because she doesn’t speak English very well asks her grandson to ask me what I do for a living, all the while pointing at me and the beer and gesturing. I tell her via him that I ride a bike around town and that’s why I can buy so much beer from her, drink a lot of it and stay relatively thin.

See you. Have good day.

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lander said...


Posted April 6, 2008 11:34 AM | Reply to this comment

winning said...

Is that a ballerina? Not you.

Posted April 6, 2008 11:57 PM | Reply to this comment

Case said...

Good morning from PDX!

Posted April 7, 2008 11:28 AM | Reply to this comment

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