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April 3, 2008

Feels like nap time
Feels a bit shonky
2:34 pm
Feels like no-man's-land
Feels like there’s still hope
I can cover that
Are you fucking kidding me

Completely dehydrated with nothing but a swig of warm milk
Obviously dehydrated pissing americano with a hint of asparagus

Take it to the rack
Take it to the mailroom

Go strong or don’t go at all
Go to judge’s chambers

Don’t bring that weak shit inside
Don’t bring that unsigned order to the clerk

Look for the open man
Look for the guy in the dark suit

Kick it back outside
Kick it back to the client
Bring your A game
Bring me a bucket

Pick ‘n Roll
Pick ‘n Drop

Stop drop roll
Pick drop roll

Serve it up
Serve it on anyone authorized to accept

Lay it up lay it in
Lay it on don’t spread it thin

Drive the lane
Drive. just hang-up and drive

Penetrate the defense
Penetrate the defense

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tuna melt said...

the one sitting on the far right believes in aliens. he'll tell you that if ever you saw an alien your monkey mind would freak out and 'dude you wouldn't even know what to do!' he'll also tell you that divorce filings increase around valentines day. irony?. i believe in gas guzzling cars the lower the miles per gallon the better. get rid of the shit, use it up. the prius is like a shot vodka with methadone to the herion junkie. now i am going to use my left hand, it makes me think i am with a nervous girl.

Posted April 5, 2008 03:01 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to tuna melt...

is that you Dave? Is it true Oswald was a really great shot? Is it true jet fuel burned hot enough to bring down the twin towers? Is it true John Hinckley Jr. owed Bush a favor? Kind Girls.

Posted April 7, 2008 09:35 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

high flyingest most winningest most going pro freshmanest team loses in the end because they couldn't make their free throws when it really counted. Take that to the bank. Take that to your bookie. Take that to Vegas.

Posted April 8, 2008 07:38 PM | Reply to this comment

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