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April 1, 2008

Where's the beef?

The guy in the red sweatshirt is raising his beer...perhaps a toast to tourists that take pictures of one-legged pigeons in Pioneer Square, a toast to messengers that take pictures of seagull poop on sculpture or just a toast to drinking beer in the morning.

I read a bit of a complaint I was filing in Superior Court this afternoon. A couple started a lawsuit against their neighbor over the Laurel Hedge on their property line and how it was trimmed too short. So much money, so much time, so many attorneys, so much bullshit. If I was the judge on that case I'd show up in their yard with a chainsaw and take care of the fucking hedge and the lawsuit. Leave the money-grubbing attorneys out of it and settle that shit out of court with little hard work and a little tough love. 

Howdy neighbor.  

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Kirk R. Dungan said...

One legal courier to another let me say if people could resolve their differences calmly through a simple dialog, we and most of the attorneys we work for would have to get real jobs. Some of the best money I ever made was working for a divorce attorney. The most petty stupid bullshit, I don't think I need to go into detail. Finally, I had to stop thinking about it and learn to embrace the stupidity cause hey it pays the bills.

Posted April 1, 2008 10:21 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Kirk R. Dungan...

I hear ya Mr. Dungan. For the most part I ignore the bullshit and "embrace" it by stuffing it in my bag. But you're correct about getting real jobs if there were suddenly requirements for filing a lawsuit, some minimum level of merit, a no-bullshit law. Bills, it pays the...

Posted April 2, 2008 06:44 AM | Reply to this comment

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