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quittin after one more last one

March 31, 2008

Do you know what hard work gets you?

More hard work.

Work it.

I’m an April Fool

Flip the calendar. That means something? It’s April. So what if it’s psychosomatic, it still means something. Like Lane said, it’s all in your mind. Like Cory said, it’s all in your head. But the placebo effect is still worth noting. It’s April and I want to take my front fender off. I know it was 37 and raining on Friday. I know it was really cold this afternoon when the thundershowers rolled in. But it’s all in my mind and there’s no better place for it to be. I’m taking that fender off and let me tell you, I feel aero, I feel light, I feel free, I feel less toe overlap, I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses of wet socks…

I’m ready to ditch the front fender. I’m an April Fool

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BuddhaDave said...

Awesome. Do it. I'm right there with you.

Posted April 1, 2008 08:14 AM | Reply to this comment

mary! said...

its totally april. fenders totally gone. next step, tube tops and hot pants!

Posted April 1, 2008 10:07 PM | Reply to this comment

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