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a priest, a rabbi, a tow truck driver, a flight attendant and my dispatcher walk into a bar...

March 26, 2008

jump to conclusions, make connections, assume.

Sometimes it's the right thing to do. It's in your best interest. It's survival instinct.

Snap judgement, label, stereotype, compartmentalize, pigeonhole, evaluate in the blink of an eye...then move on. Work your way back later and clean it up if there's time. Or not. go with it. Dig deeper.

In the blink of an eye this morning, a white Mercedes came out of nowhere, came as close to T-boning me as a car has been in the last 3 years. My fault. My bad, sorry bro. My eyes blinked and my half-ass slow speed under caffeinated decision making almost cost me the RB-2.

It's hard to make snap judgements with your eyes closed.

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