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bottom line

March 24, 2008

On paper or as-the-crow-flies they appear to be a block away from each other. However, 516 3rd Avenue is a world away from 517 4th Avenue. Worlds apart in terms of convenience, elevation, social strata, spare changing, ratio of attorneys to bus stop detritus, free-locking bikes. How long does it take to replace a sidewalk? How big is a government contract? How much milk can a contractor milk if contractor must milk milk?

You’re telling me to grow up, acknowledge the facts and get serious. I’m telling you I’ve seen those facts and if that’s growing up, you’re kidding yourself.

Stop kidding yourself, get serious.
Stop being so serious, laugh a little.
Fucking up because you’re too serious. Or
Fucking up because you’re not serious enough.
It’s a fine line, so fine in fact, the end results, the final products, the sum totals are the same. No matter how you slice it, it comes up peanuts. Peanuts Nothing but peanuts in the end, so you might as well laugh a little.

It continues to be a quality of life issue. (it’s all horseshit)

It’s in my bottle cage on the 3rd Ave side.


stale Monday aftertaste?

have a grilled cheese sandwich 

the Dude abides 

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