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watching you watching me

March 22, 2008

...it's so easy to see...

I took a picture of Seth taking a picture of some photo guy taking a picture of Leland and Steve. Behind me is Todd attempting to take a picture of me, Seth, photo guy, Leland and Steve. Justin is along for the ride watching the whole thing, laughing.

Sugarbear brought the party with him last night. Nothing goes better with cheap beer on a Friday night after a long week of work, than Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur, peppermint schnapps, Pimm’s, and various other hard liquors. The party kit even included swizzle sticks, colorful sword toothpicks, foo-foo umbrellas, and an official glASS rimmer.


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smitty said...

I made outta there with a bottle of "Caffe Lolita!" It will be the perfect addition to the morning's coffee. Thanks Sugar Bear.

Posted March 22, 2008 09:30 AM | Reply to this comment

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