what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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yoga straps and soy mochas

March 21, 2008

 Hey you, yeah you in the purple fleece vest made from recycled plastic bottles toting the yoga mat made from organic rubber and free-range bamboo fibers waiting in line at Café Fiori for your soy mocha served in a 90% post consumer recycled paper fully compostable cup smiling your big environmental smile living in your 4 million dollar LEED certified green home high atop Queen Anne Hill with your double pane windows and your dual flush toilets and your non-volatile organic compounds, yeah you. If you really want to help out, take a look at the environmental impact statement for raising just one of your cherubic blonde kids sitting in the back of your Cayenne that's running out front. Just one kid, we won’t discuss the SUV, the Weimaraner or the Vizsla, or your Tri-Delt Nordic Princess Corporate Tax Lawyer spouse’s spending habits.

I’m not angry. I’m laughing. I don’t ride a bike for the environment. I ride a bike to ride a bike and I drink black coffee and today is my Friday.

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cnycyg said...

Fuckin A! I don't drink 24's of Rainier at 9am for the mountain fresh taste, I drink Rainier to drink Rainier. Wait no, the mountain fresh taste is the only reason I do anything. Black Coffee, Black Bike, Black Heart. --write an overtly emotional song about it.

Posted March 21, 2008 09:02 AM | Reply to this comment

smitty replied to cnycyg...

nice try cyncyg, you can't fool yourself. tom's totally gonna fire your ass for smelling like booze before noon.

Posted March 21, 2008 09:04 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to cnycyg...

fuckin A++ Black coffee, black t-shirts, red bike, black heart. I'll write overtly allover that. Yup. six pack, tall boys, roadmasters, whatever it takes. Bring it.

Posted March 21, 2008 09:34 PM | Reply to this comment

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