Two people sitting at the bar. Drinking. Venting. Unwinding. Talking shit about co-workers, bosses, underlings and work in general. They could be attorneys, construction workers, studio photographers, bike messengers, actuaries or electricians. Change the wardrobe, the titles, the locations, the vocabulary, the jargon, do you speak the lingo? But keep the stupid shit, the petty details, the complaining, the politics, the junior-high-level human relations problems. It’s all the same, only the names will change. I'm a messenger, on a steel horse I ride.
Gotta go to work gotta go to work gotta have a job.
Two Jesi (jeez-i) walk into a bar.
Two termites walk into a bar. One says “where’s the bar tender?”
Two bartenders walk into a bar and…
Ask Cat about Horatio Alger and how important his work has been over time and continues to be in each of our daily lives. Ask Cat about what really matters and about what’s horseshit. Ask Cat what it all means.
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