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two guys walk into a bar

March 16, 2008

Two people sitting at the bar. Drinking. Venting. Unwinding. Talking shit about co-workers, bosses, underlings and work in general. They could be attorneys, construction workers, studio photographers, bike messengers, actuaries or electricians. Change the wardrobe, the titles, the locations, the vocabulary, the jargon, do you speak the lingo? But keep the stupid shit, the petty details, the complaining, the politics, the junior-high-level human relations problems. It’s all the same, only the names will change. I'm a messenger, on a steel horse I ride. 

Gotta go to work gotta go to work gotta have a job.

Two Jesi (jeez-i) walk into a bar.

Two termites walk into a bar. One says “where’s the bar tender?”

Two bartenders walk into a bar and…

Ask Cat about Horatio Alger and how important his work has been over time and continues to be in each of our daily lives. Ask Cat about what really matters and about what’s horseshit. Ask Cat what it all means.

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mary said...

hey cat..what does it all mean? and mark, where did you get that picture of mario cipollini? i heard he was out of retirement, didnt know he was in seattle.

Posted March 16, 2008 07:49 PM | Reply to this comment

cat said...

Horatio Alger was a 19th century novelist who wrote about achieving the American Dream. Horatio Alger believed in hard work, determination, courage and concern for others. Horatio Alger believed all young poor boys could achieve something better. Horatio Alger believed that said hard work and determination would reward young boys with a place in society without a domination of it. um, can i be a teacher now, please? and instead of an apple on my desk, i'd like one of these on my bike. http://www.click-stand.com/Home_Page.html

Posted March 17, 2008 12:32 PM | Reply to this comment

cat replied to mary...

mary i have no idea what it all means but i'm pretty sure it's all about the hokey pokey.

Posted March 17, 2008 12:33 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to cat...

Knock Knock Who’s there? Horatio Alger. Big fucking deal. Horatio Alger walks into a bar Bartender says “who the fuck are you?” It's not about Horatio Alger, it's about ETS. the biggest bullshit monopoly this side of Texas. Cat, I'm on your side.

Posted March 17, 2008 09:11 PM | Reply to this comment

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