what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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bring it

March 12, 2008

doric ionic corinthian whatever it takes

unused potential

Limitless potential

death warmed over 

Death warmed over. And not very warm at that. This guy looks as if he died 20 years ago but has been showing up for work ever since. On time. Every day. Never missed a day. Going through the motions. Pale grey lifeless. No sparkle in his eye. No no no nothing. Emptiness. It’s not as if he’s counting down the days to his retirement with full pension. It’s more like he’s in some purgatory, some spiritual limbo just this side of hell, with no end in sight.

If it wasn’t so spooky maybe I’d feel some sort of pity for him. But what I really feel is grateful that this guy is here, that this mailroom exists in this shithole government building. Because Mr. Luke Warm will sign for anything and it’s a lot easier to find him in the mailroom than it is to find some DB government worker with just a mail-stop address and nowhere near a suite number.

Do you feel that?

Please make a note of it.

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Kirk R. Dungan said...

I feel it brother

Posted March 14, 2008 02:08 AM | Reply to this comment

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