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unborn chicken voices in my head

March 11, 2008

Visions of RAGBRAI dancing in my head, dancing in the street, standing in the beer garden, beers per day, beers per hour, beers per dollar, dollars per ounce, pound for pound, power to weight ratio, alcohol by weight, alcohol by volume, turn up the volume, there are 15,000 people dancing in the streets of this small town in Iowa.

Mark your calendars, buy your plane tickets.

EAT more,

DRINK as much as you want,

BE MERRY, the bike riding is the easy part.

I’m not joking.

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iconoclasst (www.wrenchinthegears.blogspot.com) said...

Maudite! Good stuff. And a great name for a beer.

Posted March 12, 2008 11:06 AM | Reply to this comment

lander said...

thats a bomb helmet

Posted March 12, 2008 12:13 PM | Reply to this comment

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