what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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Hard Riders Wanted

March 10, 2008

there's a story here. I'll tell you about it.

to your face. in person. for real. really.

Or you can try and figure it out 

Like Claire said, she's probably somebody‘s bucky   

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dave said...

Good luck finding a "manly man" who will tend to all her desires...a "manly man" has shit to do.

Posted March 11, 2008 10:58 AM | Reply to this comment

smitty said...

All I can think of is Mike Damone saying "I think I came," in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." Then, Jackson Browne.

Posted March 12, 2008 10:25 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to smitty...

Relax, all right? My old man is a television repairman, he's got the ultimate set of tools. I can fix it.

Posted March 15, 2008 06:14 PM | Reply to this comment

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