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step into my office

March 7, 2008

A warm spot in the sun, cold beer in hand
A warm cup of coffee, a cold seat on the cement

Step into my office, pull up a chair, find a spot on the coffee beer continuum. We’ll talk with Andrea about how groups of people adopt public space for private use. Taking over a street corner, a bench, a hangout. Hanging out. And we’ll discuss how these groups of people, can be intimidating to the average passerby.



TK said it best: “Being a messenger and paying to race in an alley cat after work, is like being married to a porn star and renting one of her movies."

I'm looking California feeling Minnesota

today is my Friday

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Kirk R. Dungan said...

Nice office, I should be dropping by later today while my wife hits Nordstroms and Sephora

Posted March 7, 2008 11:50 AM | Reply to this comment

two-zero said...

why not showcase what i do best by racing in a alley cat and winning a new dank bag. if my wife were a porn star i would want to buy that movie!!

Posted March 7, 2008 09:18 PM | Reply to this comment

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