She got exactly what she asked for
But she didn’t get what she wanted
Because she didn’t ask for what she really wanted
Pointing fingers, assigning blame, blaming the messenger
I did some research at the courthouse yesterday, 442 pages worth. Locating, printing out and delivering documents to a legal secretary. The documents she asked for. She got every single page of the documents she asked for. Unfortunately they were not the documents she wanted. Attorneys blaming secretaries, secretaries blaming messenger companies, dispatchers blaming messengers, and finally the messenger saying “fuck all y’all, because I did my job, I did it correctly, quickly, professionally and efficiently”
Ask for what you want, directly. Save all the social niceties, all the Pacific Northwest indirect passive aggressive shit, all the dancing around the subject trying to be the cool guy nice guy good guy. No need to attempt to finesse it out of me or manipulate the situation attempting to achieve your goal. Say it. Ask for it. Get to the point.
Say what you mean
Mean what you say
Ask for what you want
When you get what you asked for but not what you wanted
Don’t blame the messenger
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