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March 3, 2008

Bonzo Goes to College (1952) sequel to Bedtime for Bonzo but did not star Ronald Reagan

Reagan Bonzo status quo business as usual business casual casual Friday casual sex no strings attached the price you pay the cost of doing business business as usual

all the time every time most of the time half the time my time out of time this time War Time election year recession transition chain of events connections relationships cause effect conflict drama climax resolution transition status quo this time there might not be a next time this could be the last time

commas semicolons punctuation you catch my drift you make the call you decide proximity chronology astrology proctology

220...221 whatever it takes

uncork a bottle of fizzy wine 

laugh while you can monkey boy



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mike said...

i think i just got housed with that monkeyx2

Posted March 4, 2008 11:32 PM | Reply to this comment

piDler replied to mike...

copy that. belly up to the bar and try to drink Indiana Pale Ale all day long. Not just IPA, India Pale Ale, but the Indiana shit...I can't even see straight...a normal man would be in the hospital right now but I rode my bike home and I'm typing with spell check at my side. HOUSED. HOUSE-D

Posted March 4, 2008 11:40 PM | Reply to this comment

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