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it was what it was

March 1, 2008

On the seventh day of spring
she said “let there be exposed skin”
and it was good

March 1st, it is. Nearly time to Spring Forward, which is cause for celebration up here at the 48th parallel. Do you need another reason to celebrate? Do you need a reason to drink more? Do you need a reason to drink less?

On their second date
she said “we’re not really dating”
and it was what it was

Looks matter. If looks don’t matter, don’t look. If looks don’t matter why do they make white spandex? If looks didn’t matter why’d you look? You looked.

On the fourth day of RAGBRAI
she said “I like your RB-1”
and it was like, love

I have no recollection of the events as described. I am without sufficient information and can neither confirm nor deny the allegations. My attorney has advised me to shut the fuck up.

Like dickstank said, the correct answer is E.

If you don’t know what you’re talking about

A. talk louder
B. make something up
C. crack a joke
D. all of the above
E. shut the fuck up

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steve young said...

It's never a bad idea when ones attorney advises you to shut the fuck up, to do it. I know my attorney has saves my ass one more than one occasion with such knowledge.

Posted March 1, 2008 07:39 PM | Reply to this comment

bret in abq said...

My attoneys best line. "I can't unfuck you. At best I can only keep you from being fucked."

Posted March 2, 2008 04:14 PM | Reply to this comment

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