what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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February 27, 2008

Gimme a chirp
Got my finger on the button
The hardest button to button
Got an uncontrollable urge
Can’t tell you all about it
Got an unscratchable itch
Can’t touch this
Got a general malaise
Can’t identify
Words cannot describe
Take a picture
It lasts longer

Wednesday is a working day

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Smythe said...

Wednesday is a working day, but somehow you still managed to get bitched at for doing the work you have.

Posted February 28, 2008 12:37 PM | Reply to this comment

Smythe said...

Wednesday is a working day, except you somehow still managed to get bitched at for doing the work you have...

Posted February 28, 2008 12:38 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

Wednesday is a whacking day...nobody told you to do your job. Thursday is a licking day.

Posted March 1, 2008 08:26 AM | Reply to this comment

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