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thighs of steel

February 23, 2008


Evening Magazine recently featured Jason the messenger with thighs of steel



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RedKev said...

Messenger only came up as #3 on the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the northwest. Crab fishermen can have #1 (at least they get paid well for their dangerous job), but how often do bomb squad technicians (#2) actually get injured? There are enough messengers with scars and patched up bones & joints to give the bomb guys a challenge.

Posted February 23, 2008 10:28 AM | Reply to this comment

Ricky said...

Bike messengers can get from pike to pine in a matter of minutes

Posted February 23, 2008 06:07 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Ricky...

and all the way across downtown in as little as 15 minutes...

Posted February 23, 2008 06:59 PM | Reply to this comment

Smitty replied to Ricky...

Yo Ricky! Can you tell me how to get to the Pikes Market from here?

Posted February 23, 2008 07:21 PM | Reply to this comment

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