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no man's land

February 20, 2008

Graham Watson photo poached from VeloNews

Jonny Sundt earns his money getting his team some valuable face time in the Tour of California.


Claire was right, The Straight Story is a great movie. Check it out. Perfect for RAGBRAI training, it even includes a RAGBRAI scene and features the town of Laurens which was recently on the route. This film will give you a real feel for the Iowa landscape.

Really. Real.

Keep on rocking 25.4 in the 31.8 world.

Here's to one inch threaded headsets and quill stems.

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Case said...

Jonny just abandoned. He still put in a heroic effort on Tuesday and tried to get in a couple of breaks today. I might have been able to finish the prologue, but would likely have abandoned after 70 miles of the first stage. Maybe he'll came up here before going to Virginia and we can buy him beers! Nice job Jonny!

Posted February 21, 2008 02:20 PM | Reply to this comment

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