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roll with it

February 19, 2008

20 minutes basking in the sun on a bench near 36th & Pacific on the Burke-Gilman was plenty of time to witness some classic bike--car interactions at the intersection where 36th crosses the trail. The chuffinest of chuffers expect that motorists see them at all times and yield to them and that this beautiful bike path somehow means something to a guy in a truck on his way home from the lumberyard. Motorists rarely see you on the road and they sure aren’t going to see you on a bike path approaching an intersection at an odd angle from a lower elevation. You’re on a bike, and to many motorists you might as well be on a pogo stick or a razor scooter on the playground.

Expect it. No need to dwell on it. Roll with it.


Life is a beautifully ripened blackberry hanging right at dog-piss level.

Eat it.

Life is a rusty nail sticking out at eye level.

See it.

Life is a big fat expansion joint in the road, running parallel to your front wheel, all day long.
No matter where you go.
No matter which way you turn.
There it is.

Work with it. Deal with it. Roll with it. Get over it.

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mark said...

I have almost been hit at that intersection soooo many times. The cars approaching the intersection from the south always stop well past the stop line (of course) which puts them right in the cyclist's (or pogo stickists) path.

Posted February 19, 2008 08:10 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to mark...

copy that? Hey are you over 30? I haven't met a Mark that wasn't at least into my age bracket...all these youngsters are named Dave or Chris or Steve or Matt

Posted February 20, 2008 07:26 PM | Reply to this comment

Steve said...

Hey Matt great website, longtime reader first time typer. Epic intersection, good photos too. Peace.

Posted February 20, 2008 07:36 PM | Reply to this comment

Matt Pidler replied to Steve...

Hey Steve, are you related to Brigham Young? Oh and isn't it hard to ride a bike when you're left handed? and I had another question but I forgot it.

Posted February 20, 2008 08:21 PM | Reply to this comment

Chris said...

I ride my razor scooter past there all the time, no problem.

Posted February 24, 2008 01:41 PM | Reply to this comment

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