what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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Are you my Bucky?

February 18, 2008

Are you my Bucky? pilderwasser T-shirts in Royal Bucky Blue will soon be available in Men’s Medium and Large. Other colors available in other sizes. Nick Dale and 22 Joel your shirts will be the first screened and delivered via messenger in the next 7-10 working days. Everyone else…like those guys down at DANK bags say, money talks.

In addition, there will be a very small run of baby rib knit American Apparel pilderwasser black and white boxer briefs in Men’s Large, because that’s my size. Other sizes could be available soon if there’s interest. And I have a new understated simple RAGBRAI shirt design now too for all you people out there who want a taste of Iowa to wear around town.

All these items are $25 including shipping. I take cash, checks and PayPal.


The Presidents’ Day Sale at DANK bags, included a can drive and was a huge success. Many cans were brought in, many cans were consumed. Nobody left empty handed. No left hands were empty.
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RedKev said...

My wife wants a shirt that says, "I need to get something curried." because it is one of those stupid things you hear if you answer the phones all day at a messenger company. To which, she always wants to ask, "Chicken or Beef."

Posted February 18, 2008 05:02 PM | Reply to this comment

peterpants replied to RedKev...

that's funny.

Posted February 18, 2008 07:07 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to RedKev...

I'll take the curried chicken, I like my beef messn'd.

Posted February 18, 2008 07:17 PM | Reply to this comment

steve young said...

Hey pilder thanks for the alu-min-ium, can drives are great. As far as chicken or beef I'll take the can with no label.

Posted February 18, 2008 08:53 PM | Reply to this comment

ohhiiamfromtheinternet said...

DANK has a retail space? Where's it at, hidden in a corner of Mobius or something?

Posted February 20, 2008 01:01 AM | Reply to this comment

-MARY said...

is that YOUR butt? haha.

Posted February 20, 2008 11:37 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to -MARY...

no, MY butt is right here.

Posted February 21, 2008 07:52 AM | Reply to this comment

ynnej said...

PJ sold the rabbit fur bag? for the love of god and all that is holy- NO!

Posted February 21, 2008 03:56 PM | Reply to this comment

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