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Presidents' Day Sale

February 17, 2008

Look over there
There's a lady that I used to know
She's married now or engaged or something so I'm told


Context, location, intention, direction, costume, wardrobe, get up, get down, add it up and write it down. Passing through, passing throw, passing threw. Through, throw, flew, flow. Through, finished, done, concluded, over. Overflow, over throw. Up through. Throw up, vomit, hurl, chunder, puke.

Like Cat said, she can walk through the core without a messenger bag on and go unrecognized. Just another anonymous pedestrian. Brandon can drive through the core in a minivan giving friendly honks and waves to passing messengers and go unrecognized. Just another guy in a car honking at cyclists. If Cat was on her bike, we’d all see her, give her the messenger nod and greetings. Brandon on a bike would bring far more waves and smiles of recognition. Like I told Vanessa from the PI, it’s hard to find another job where you can roll around on a bike and 100 people know your name.

It’s hard to say Presidents’ Day with out saying sale. President’s Day Sale! One day only! Years of conditioning, conditioning us to consume. We’re all consumers. Consumers consume. A day off from work is a great day for shopping and buying and consuming.

Haven’t touched a bike all weekend., maybe because I’ve been touching so much beer. But this holiday thing is like having an extra Saturday. Cosuming.

Mr. J. Grisham took this photo at the Lincoln Monument in 1998.

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Bronco Mendenhal said...

copy somebody that you use to know. Speaking of sales I heard those hard workin' douchers at the dank were having a presidents day sale-bring a aluminium can and get half off a cooze. I don't know though, like you said take off the messenger bag and who the hell knows what you do for a living. cheers

Posted February 17, 2008 03:54 PM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to Bronco Mendenhal...

I've heard about those guys down at DANK bags. Sound like a bunch of honest to goodness hardworking fellas. Gosh Darnit! Touched a bike today. Haven't touched a beer. Yet. Dag gummit.

Posted February 17, 2008 06:36 PM | Reply to this comment

RedKev said...

I recognized Cat @ her new gig Thursday night and she recognized me too. Only my wife was wearing a messenger bag and she was on the other side of the store. It is annoying to be riding a bus past messengers I know and not being able to say hi. Hi Seth.

Posted February 18, 2008 01:00 AM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

I've found it helps to wear a cool T-shirt when in off-duty attire.

Posted February 18, 2008 01:31 PM | Reply to this comment

cat said...

brandon's good for slowing down and rolling down a window for you to skitch if that's your thing. i'd like to put a deposit down on one of those DANK bags everyone keeps talking about. copy two strap? kevin, after i saw you i wondered how you recognized me hiding out back there in produce with a hood on. thanks for the book, mark. i'm a slow reader so let me know when you need it back for your research.

Posted February 18, 2008 05:10 PM | Reply to this comment

peterpants said...

Normally I don't dress like a messenger when I'm not working- even if I'm riding a bike- I like to look nicer on my days off when venturing into the world. But today I was taking my new bike out for a test ride - and I ran into the boss of one of the companies I deliver to and she wanted to chat and I think I was slightly embarrassed because I happened to be wearing some spandex and a jersey and I kind of wanted to say "I don't always dress like this". But I didn't say anything because it doesn't really matter.

Posted February 18, 2008 07:21 PM | Reply to this comment

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