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one more time around

February 15, 2008

Life in the small city is not always what you read in the travel magazines. It’s not always vibrant, colorful, spicy, sexy, spunky, edgy, trendy, heady, intelligent, literate, educated and exciting. Sometimes it’s dull, grey, anonymous and tepid.
Sometimes it’s boring beige boxy brick buildings.

Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t.

One more time around might do it

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GEWHITE said...

I moved to Austin six months ago from Seattle had some excitement last night on my way to work, see I live in the ghetto and my bag clipped this guys side mirror squeazing by his right side. He proceeded to chase after me so I jumped off not sure what his actions were going to be, he starts yelling at me and pulls the race card saying "you white people think we are crazy, you are crazy" he says. As he continues to yell at me at the top of his lungs and I stand smiling wielding my knife not sure what this guy is going to do or what he is on. He volunteers to call the cops I say sure go for it, he continues to banter and yell about how crazy I am. The cops arrive laughing thinking they were arriving to a accident scene thought I was the one that got hit. They explained to him that nothing was wrong with his mirror and told him to go on his way more trouble than its worth. Chatted up with them about bikes they asked me about fixed gear told them I like my eighteen, explained to them how using front brake is better than rear alone they thought that was pretty funny wondered if I have ever gone over the bars. As I am pedling away my rear wheel brings me to a hault bent it beyond truable repair when I let it go. Long time reader not one to post normally but thought this fit. Only person on this that probably knows me is Justin worked with him at Neumo's, hows it going Justin.

Posted February 15, 2008 02:22 PM | Reply to this comment

GEWHITE said...

Appologies if a bunch of these coming flooding in was getting that error message.

Posted February 15, 2008 02:26 PM | Reply to this comment

RedKev said...

I worked with the guy who brought bike messengering to Austin. Amazing that Austin didn't have bicycle messengers before the 1990's. I guess they weren't too many Kevin Bacon fans there.

Posted February 16, 2008 11:20 PM | Reply to this comment

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