The end of an era, the end of my second 4 year commission as a Notary in and for the State of Washington, residing in Seattle. This is it. No mas. This time I’m not renewing it, or I should say my boss is not paying for me to renew it and I have no interest in renewing it myself. Outside of work I think I only performed 2 notorial acts in 8 years. And as a rolling notary, my numbers have been way down in the last few years. Back in the day I used to do a couple rush round trip notary signature jobs each month for one very large law firm. My favorite part of those jobs was asking the suits for photo ID and watching their reaction.

Of ending eras I speak, and here’s an era unmatched in Seattle Messenger history. The fridge at WLM, leaking, dripping festering liquids for years. Containing a variety of aromas and growths. It kept countless thousands of beers at various temperatures for years. But it is time for this unit to retire and be replaced by a younger, more efficient appliance.

Speaking of long careers, unmatched in the history of Seattle messengers. 22 Joel is the man. Over a quarter century as a bike messenger. That’s right I said 25 years. A lot of you kids weren’t even born when Joel started rolling downtown. He’s now working at a coffee shop in the core, so stop in and say hi to him. And Joel you will be getting a first edition Are you my Bucky? t-shirt hand delivered via messenger as soon as I print them up.
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