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I want to dive into your ocean

February 12, 2008


Seth here’s your song It was a challenge to ID the artist based solely on your rendition from last night but I did it and I can see clearly now, the rain has gone. It’s all in your mind. Keep in mind the upcoming Bike Swap not to be confused with the Bike Expo Back in the day both happened on the same weekend, just a stone’s throw from each other in the shadow of the Space Needle. Not anymore. Please make a note of it. Note to selves: watch for Jonny Sundt in the The Tour of California Big time race, big time racers, racing big time. The Kelly Benefits team is strong this year. Finally because it is still February, here's one more thing I’d like to draw your attention to, the pilderwasser Book of the Month Some people don’t like to read reviews of books or movies that reveal too much of the story. If you’re one of those people, don’t read the reviews just check out the book. There are 147 holds on it at the Seattle Public Library and several stores are sold out of it. But the author will be at Elliott Bay Books on February 19 and I bet you can find a copy there.

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69 said...

that song was way heavier than i remembered it being..

Posted February 12, 2008 07:14 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to 69...

yeah, just cling to that tune in your mind, don't let Annie Lennox get you down.

Posted February 12, 2008 09:36 PM | Reply to this comment

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