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messenger, bicycle

February 9, 2008

Jason on a box job. A box job on Jason.

Jason enjoys bulk. He seeks it out, asks for it, prefers it in fact. Because because because… …because it’s one of the things he does. Because it pays well.

One of the skills a messenger develops is the ability to carry boxes on their handlebars. This skill comes in handy during RAGBRAI when you stop by the store to pickup a 30 pack of Busch Lite and your friends are waiting for you under a shady tree in the park. Rolling it back into town on your handlebars, you make new friends quickly.

The guy in the middle is a messenger, the other two guys are not.

and that's the truth, the following however, is not a true story, it’s fiction inspired by fact.

A woman talking on her cell phone, shopping on her lunch break was walking towards American Eagle on the sidewalk near 6th & Pike Street, when she was struck by a cyclist. The impact spun her around, knocked the shopping bags out of her hand and sent her cell phone flying. The cyclist stopped for a moment and made sure she was OK, spoke into his radio a few times and rode away.

In her adrenaline-induced rage, in her rage-induced haze, the woman assumed the cyclist was a messenger. He was on a bike, he had a radio, he was wearing a bunch of bike “gear”. So this woman called the police to complain, she told her boss and coworkers the story, she told all her friends, she wrote a letter to the editor, she spoke to the city council. This woman spread her word about bike messengers and how they’re a menace to society, they’re dangerous and the should have to get licensed, there should be a law against them.

But that cyclist was not a messenger, that cyclist was a MID ambassador on a bike. The Metropolitan Improvement District (MID) ambassadors roam the streets but mostly they roam the sidewalks of the core on foot and on bikes. I’m not sure what they really do all day but occasionally they provide helpful information to tourists and sometimes they hassle homeless people for public urination or for sitting on the sidewalk. On the spectrum between cop and rent-a-cop security guard, they don’t even register. They’re closer to hall monitor and like a janitor. They have radios and they wear enough rain gear for 3 people. They do not look like bike messengers, unless you have never seen a messenger, unless you get hit by one and you’re lying on the sidewalk and all you see is a bike and all you hear is a radio.
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RedKev said...

How much do you think those "yellow shirts" make? From the looks of some of them, it appears that they are in some sort of prison work release program. It's funny when they come across a homeless person that knows they have no real authority, tells them so, and refuses to comply.

Posted February 9, 2008 09:18 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to RedKev...

I think they make $10 - $12 and they must complete a rigorous training program. I was once outside of 1111, and a MID asked me if I was on a break and not to stay too long and keep it moving.

Posted February 9, 2008 03:40 PM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

We've got the same kind of thing up here. One asked me how I was doing in that security guard way. I replied "Not bad but I'm starting to resent the surcharge on my business property taxes." The people on the street call them "Bumble bees" from the black and yellow uniforms.

Posted February 9, 2008 04:17 PM | Reply to this comment

peterpants said...

Hey Mark- do you have a copy of that book The Art of Urban Cycling (or any other cycling books)? I'd like to use it as a reference for my research paper.

Posted February 10, 2008 01:21 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to peterpants...

I do have that book and about 50 other cycling books. Perhaps 10 or 12 would be relevant to your research. Gimme a chirp...

Posted February 10, 2008 01:38 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to peterpants...

actually I bet only 2 or 3 of my books will be relevant to your research if it's what I urban cycling think it is. But get back to me in a couple years when my book is published you can add one more to the list.

Posted February 10, 2008 01:44 PM | Reply to this comment

J Dubya said...

We put together the MID's bikes at Recycled Cycles...some rather large lady was "Super STOKED about the diamondback 'transporter" (on 26's and the Kona smoke on 29's blew her mind)

Posted February 11, 2008 01:01 PM | Reply to this comment

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