what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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long story short

February 4, 2008


Jimmy went back to the text message six or seven times that night, scrolling through it, searching for some hidden meaning, some subtext, some inside information, a nuance, a message that, of course, couldn’t be written in mixed company, a little something just for him, trying to read between the lines for something… anything that would say what wasn’t being said.


Mark dropped his 1420 and was headed to 1001. When he unlocked his bike, and caught a whiff of kybo, that strong unmistakable smell, he was instantly transported to RAGBRAI, he looked around for the source of the aroma and spotted a Honey Bucket truck on Pike Street, sucking the shit out of a couple units in the alley between 4th & 5th.


That red headed woman who only exits the building on her coffee breaks, was exiting the building. Strapped into her iPod, reading a paperback. Obviously she had no intentions of quieting her mind, or attempting to find silence through yoga or meditation. She was in full-on drown-it-out mode. Letting those little voices in her head compete with the Stone Temple Pilots and the Lady of the Lake series #17.


Long story short

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