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bike ride bike

February 3, 2008


Let's let the artist describe this one himself. "The beautiful feminine champions of sport as seen every day in magnificent action in the mass media are inevitably a source of inspiration to the artist in search of visual imagess that are heroic and at the same time erotic in their wholesomeness, and that are also, it must be said, one of the more positive phenomena of the 'post-modern' age. And so, happily, we dedicate a special section of this issue to portraits of the athletic female figure in action, interpreted with pen and ink." You'll gape in awe at the skill and reverence of these portraits of tennis "champeen" Serena Williams, Playboy's Hugh Hefner (with lady friends, of course), and over 30 other women who have struck Crumb's muse.

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Bonnie said...

True dat. R Crumb was an amazing artist who appreciated the "finer" things. If'n you got the time, look for a song by his band "The Cheap Suit Serenaders" called Pedal your way to Happiness. I've heard it's even on I-tunes.

Posted February 4, 2008 07:02 AM | Reply to this comment

Bonnie said...

True dat. R Crumb was an amazing artist who appreciated the "finer" things. If'n you got the time, look for a song by his band "The Cheap Suit Serenaders" called Pedal your way to Happiness. I've heard it's even on I-tunes.

Posted February 4, 2008 07:02 AM | Reply to this comment

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